I guide & equip groups
of corporate talents,
high achievers & managers internationally

Towards a more diverse & effective workplace
led by (self) conscious leaders.

the programs i run in corporate organizations

Rock your career program
[for women]

Supporting women to develop clarity about their professional aspirations, build a posture of confidence towards career advancement and self-leadership and eventually take action to make their voice heard and raise their hands onwards and upwards.

Rock your talent program
[for talents]

Supporting talents to keep the momentum in their career within a company by owning their value, being proactive in their career progression, building key interpersonal skills and creating a supportive and influential network.

Rock your leadership program
[for people managers]

Developing team and project managers into conscious and confident leaders and people’s managers who master the art of self-leadership and integrate the coaching algebra into their toolbox.

the proven methodology at the heart of every program:
the 4 Magic C’s®


Building awareness on what is at stake inside and outside of oneself.


Developing a conscious solution-focused mindset.


Bonding with oneself and with others.


Taking action for the individual or collective greater good.

the proven methodology at the heart of every program:
the 4 Magic C’s®


Taking action for the individual or collective greater good.


Building awareness on what is at stake inside and outside of oneself.


Bonding with oneself and with others.


Developing a conscious solution-focused mindset.

my promise in every collaboration

A structured pathway

programs paced to develop clarity, confidence, connection and courage under guidance

A blended learning approach

a mix of live coaching sessions and rich online self-training resources (videos, worksheets…)

A remote experience

gathering online employees from various teams, subsidiaries and countries

An amplified impact

more managers proactively engaged on a change journey for a reasonable financial investment

A multicultural management exposure

gained while coaching managers of 15+ different nationalities to date

A bi-lingual delivery

delivery of the programs in either English or French depending on the company requirements

A long-term partnership

tailored propositions following the completion of group programs

They rely on me to enhance trust, engagement, well-being & performance
in their teams internationally

how coachees have experienced my coaching

meet your corporate game changer

For 8 years now, I’ve partnered up with large organizations to enhance the power of conscious and diverse leadership in their teams internationally, thanks to group coaching and one-on-one coaching mainly with managers from diverse industries, powered by The 4 Magic C’s®.

Day after day, I contribute to a workplace connecting the dots between the mind and the heart, the rational and the intuitive, the “I” and the “We”, performance and people.

I am convinced that it takes heart-inspired action, and not only brain-suggested plans, to make things work and improve for individuals and for teams in corporate environments.

Marie Dancer

upcoming events

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